Allstream Pensioners' Association
Association des retraités d’Allstream


Great West Life Assurance


New eClaims

With Great-West's convenient new eClaims services, you have more options than ever to submit your claims, with no paper forms to fill out. You can submit your own claims online with a few clicks of your mouse.


How to use Member eClaims

You can save time and paper by submitting many of your claims online through GroupNet for Plan Members, Great-West's secure online services. Using Member eClaim is easy:

a) Sign in to GroupNet for Plan Members at - Not registered yet? You will need your group benefits plan number and your Member ID number.

b) If you have not already, sign up for Direct Deposit of your claim payments (you will need your bank account information) and select eDetails for email notification when your claims are paid. You will need these features to access Member eClaims.

c) On the GroupNet home page, click on Claims> Online Claim.


Submint your claim in six simple steps

1) Select type of Claim - for example, prescription drugs or a chiropractic service.

2) Select a Provider (when required) - your treating physician,optician,chiropractor, etc.

3) Select a Patient - you or a covered family member.

4) Enter the Expense Details for the healthcare service you received.

5) Read and Agree to the 'Terms and Conditions' and the 'Claim Summary and Consent'.

6) View or Print your Confirmation and Summary of your Online Claim Submission.


Your claim can be submitted online if:

a) The service was provided in Canada, and

b) Payment is to be made payable to you, and

c) Great-West Life is the first payor, for claims for you, your spouse or dependent children.


Your claim cannot be submitted online if the claim is:

a) For medical equipment and/or supplies, or

b) To be paid by Great-West directly to the service provider, or for a Type of Claim or Expense Detail that is not listed as an option to select.

The availability of online claims submission for specific types of benefits will depend on your plan design. For more information, contact your plan administrator.
Claims submitted using our eClaims services will be subject to random audits and detailed adjudication. We ask that you retain your original receipt(s)for 12 months. You do not need to send in your receipts when ssubmitting a claim online.
The Allstream Pensioners' Association provide English and French versions of Health Care Expenses and Standart Dental Claim forms. If you are interested to read or print a copy, please click in the link below.


English    French   



© 2011-March-Rudy Ortiz