Allstream Pensioners' Association
Association des retraités dAllstream

Upcoming Events
2010 GTA MTS Allstream Employee Golf Tournament
GTA employees: Sign up for the 2010 MTS Allstream Employee Golf Tournament.
It was 51 years ago, back in 1958, that a number of CN employees put together a few foursomes and played a round of golf.
A few years later, in 1961, the CN Engineering League tournament, the grandfather of today's MTS Allstream Toronto area
Employee tournament, was launched.
This tournament is open to MTS Allstream Employees, Pensioners and Suppliers
at all skill levels. Back by popular demand from last year is a choice between "Best Ball" or "Stroke Play" formats.
The "shotgun start" format will get underway at 1:00 pm.
The cost of $100.00 per person ($75 for Pensioners)
includes golf with power cart, a small bucket of balls for the driving range, and a fabulous dinner at the clubhouse.
Once again this year all players will also receive a special gift, and there will be door prizes to keep you on the
edge of your seat until the grand prize is awarded.
For further information or to register by e-mail to


Arrangements for the Annual General Meeting of the Allstream Pensioners' Association
are as follows: Time/Date 12:00 Noon, Wed. June 10/2015
Location: Fraternal Order of the Eagles Club, 17 Elm St. Toronto.
Please see the newsletter for more information.

The Director's meeting will be held in Toronto on Jun 9th (Tuesday) at 10 AM, at Allstream
will be in Room XXX and you will not need to go through a Reception desk.

Southwestern Ontario 3nd Annual Retiree Luncheon
Stay tuned for the upcoming 3nd Annual SWO Allstream Retiree Luncheon to be held on the
2nd Thursday in September. That will be in September in 2015. More details and location
will be announced soon. Please contact myself below if you would like to be added to the
invitation list this year.Submitted by Tom Mahony
Ontario Allstream Pensioners’ Golf Tournament
By Bruce Fulcher Toll Free 1-877-509-2099 Cell 519-321-9051 Home 519-323-2099
"The annual golf game will take place on Thursday, June 11th at Mayfield Golf course,
hopefully at 10am 12552 Torbram Road in Caledon East. The course personnel have yet to
set a price and confirm the times due to the lateness of their opening this year. However,
if you wish to golf, it is imperative that you contact me no later than MAY 31st either at or toll free at 877-509-2099. We need at least 16 golfers to maintain
our status with the club."
Bruce A. Fulcher Home 519-323-2099 Cell 519-321-9051

By Norm Czepiela, Regional Chairperson, Telephone 613-800-6443, email
Ottawa area luncheons schedule Robbies at 12noon on the following dates, June 26th, Sept 25th and Dec 18th, 2015.
Hope to see you all there in great numbers. I will also be sending an email one week prior as a friendly
reminder and would appreciate a RSVP to ensure we have adequate seating. Have a warm and happy summer.
Suggest you call Norm Czepiela early to establish your reservation. This is always
a "sold out" event and late comers may find themselves disappointed.

Christmas luncheon meeting will be held Wednesday December 17th, at 12:00 Noon.
The place is Restaurant Vichy at 7205 Newman Blvd., La Salle, QC..
The Quebec Regional Meeting will be held on Wed. October 08th, at 1:30 PM,
the place 3050 Rosemont Blvd. Montreal.
Dinners being held: Wed. September
17th at 12 Noon, restaurant Vichy.

I would like to remind everyone that plans are being made for
our annual meeting in Truro in October. Please mark the first Tuesday of October as the tentative date.
I would like to see as many as possible there. I will be getting in touch with as many members as
possible in September to ascertain how many will be attending.

The Prairie Region, Winnipeg chapter is continuing to hold regular
monthly meetings during the year except for July and August when many of us are at the lake, on the
golf course or busy in the garden. We invite everyone to come to our luncheon meetings at the
St. James Legion, 1755 Portage Avenue in Winnipeg. Lunch is usually ordered at 12 noon, followed by
a short meeting to discuss any concerns our members may have, but come early enjoy the company of
your old friends.
Ted Wolfe in Saskatoon has kept us informed on what is happening in his area. We thank Ted for his
input and enjoy hearing about our members in Saskatchewan. We encourage all of our members outside of
Winnipeg to keep in touch and if you are in town during our meeting months, please drop in and visit with us.
Some of our members get together every Thursday morning for a game of golf at the LaVerendrye
Golf Club in LaBroquerie, Manitoba. If you are interested in joining us please contact me for more information.
The club gives us a very good rate season rate with a golf cart, so if you wish to join us call me
at 204-224-2958 or email me at
Our last meeting before the summer break will be held on June 17th. I will be attending the
executive meeting and the general meeting in Toronto on June 9th and 10th. If you have any issues
that you would like presented please advise me before June 8th. I will discuss them at the board
meeting and hope to have an answer for you at the June meeting.
Enjoy your summer and I’ll see you all in September.

Bi-Weekly Edmonton Koffee Klatches:
The bi-weekly, 9:00AM, coffee klatches continue in Edmonton with people meeting at
the Yellowhead Motor Inn, corner of 149th Street and Yellowhead Trail, every second Friday.
If you want to figure out when the next one is taking place, use Friday, May 8th as a reference
and count every two weeks from there. It’s great to go out for breakfast and shoot the breeze with former
co-workers and associates.
REMINDER: Annual Edmonton Luncheon:
This year, it will be held on/at:
FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2015, 11:30AM
3840 - 76 AVENUE
The above location is on the south side of the city with access to 76 Avenue off the Sherwood Park
Freeway using either the 50 Street south turn-off or the 34 Street south turn-off.
It's actually quite easy to get to.
The fare is unreal! From carved roast beef, chicken and fish to a multiplicity of salads, potatoes and
vegetables culminating in an exquisite dessert table comprised of too many yummy things to mention.
The price is in keeping with what is being provided and is competitively in line with other,
similar establishments...if not better.
The cost is $22.00 per person.
Please pass this information on to others especially those who used to work at CNT and chose
to end their careers with a different entity.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Helen Dufresne (nee Siffledeen) ------ 780-955-2980
Lil Barrett (nee Rasmussen) ------------ 780-469-9226

Pacific Region (British Columbia)
Pacific District members welcome to another wonderful summer in Lotus Land.
As reported in last year’s newsletter in the Pacific District the Local Okanogan retirement committee
hosted a very successful CNCPT Retirees Luncheon and Social in Vernon, BC.
The committee has recently met and decided that they would host another luncheon this year.
The Social “meet and greet” at 11am will take place July 16th 2015 in a private room at the
“Temptasian Restaurant” 5600 Anderson Way Vernon. Lunch will be served at 1 pm.
For further information and to confirm your attendance Contacts are:
Ed Tanaka 250-545-3552 email
John Topping 250-545-1287 email
Judy Albrecht 250-545-6739 email
Lorraine Champigny 250-5425097 email
For those individuals planning to spend the night in Vernon and including the local retirees,
we hope to have a morning breakfast on the Friday morning July 17th. Please advise if you will
be around in the morning and wish to have breakfast with the remaining group prior to leaving Vernon.
The menu for the Temptasian Restaurant will be forwarded soon but the cost varies
from $11.75 to $14.50 that you will be responsible for.