From the desk of the President Allstream Pensioner's Association.
By now you have all heard of the impending sale of Allstream by MTS and probably have a lot of
questions as to our Pension and Health Benefit Plans
Pensions: MTS will retain responsibility and obligations to all current Allstream pensioners.
Allstream will keep the active employees Pension Plan.
Health Benefits: Will remain the responsibility of Allstream who hold the policy with Great West Life.
In both instances you will notice no change whatsoever in present procedures.
The following members of your executive will continue to dialogue with MTS in three areas
Norm Czepiela e-mail czepiela@xittel.ca, will respond to questions re Contributory Pension
Wayne Boyle e-mail wboyle456@bell.net, will respond to questions re Non-contributory Plan
Norm Hobbs e-mail normhobbs@hotmail.com, will respond to questions on Health Benefits
Your Board of Directors are meeting June 4,2013. and will issue a full statement following that.
Norm Hobbs,

If you are new member, welcome to our site, we have plenty of information that will help you,
please visit the links provided at the left in this page. If you have something to share with us please let us know,
sending an e-mail to the Webmaster. Our site is updated constantly.
This is the Allstream Pensioners Association Web Site. We are a Non Profit organization of
Volunteers attempting to keep the retired persons who worked with us informed about their fellow workers
( A group of long time communication workers still communicating)
The executive meets two times annually to bring before it concerns of the pensioners.
We have a Representative on the Contributary and Non Contributary pension board. See the Directors page for details.
Regional representatives are in the Maritimes, (Richard Golding) Quebec (Frank Masarelli)
Ottawa (Norm Czepiela) Ontario (Andy Kruk) Manitoba (Fred Perchaluk) Alberta (Casper Lewitski)
Pacific shared by (John Stevens & David Halikowski)
Gerry McCaie (Treasurer) assistant to Gerry McCaie is Salvadore Baguio.
Rudy Ortiz is Webmaster and Database Admin.
Our Annual Dues are 10 dollars, paid up in June of every year, Those who wish to join are invited to
send an email to the Webmaster, and stating your intention. We also take membership from those who worked with us but are not
in the pension fund, and they can become Associates by paying the dues.
Note: Due to the Privacy of Information Act Allstream will not accept
changes in address from us. Please notify them through the Pensioner
Hotline. Also notify us to allow us to mail out the newsletter to you.
Pensioner Hotline (1-800-276-7630) La ligne d'information des
retraites |
Webmaster email rortiz@rogers.com
© 2013-May-Rudy Ortiz